Tuesday, October 8, 2013

La Tour Eiffel

French Club members created colorful paintings after learning about the Eiffel Tower.
Here are some interesting facts:
The Eiffel Tower was originally created for the World's Fair in 1889, in Paris, France.
It was designed by Gustave Eiffel (who earlier designed the Statue of Liberty).
It took two years to build.
It is made of iron and weighs over 10,000 tons.
It was the tallest man-made structure for 41 years.
The Eiffel Tower has been visited by over 250 million people.
It is painted every 7 years with 50 tons of dark brown paint.
It sways a few inches in the wind to prevent it from breaking.
Its nickname "La Dame de Fer" means "The Iron Lady".
It has become an iconic symbol of France which is known throughout the world.