Friday, December 9, 2011

La Salle de Classe

8th Agers have been learning lots of French words for things in the classroom. Students are able to name objects in the room as well as describe them using color and size words. Here are some of the words that they know:
Voici la salle de classe (Here is the classroom), le stylo (pen), le cahier (notebook), le crayon (pencil), l’élève (student), la règle (ruler), la craie (chalk), le livre (book), le panier (basket) , le drapeau de Québec (flag of Quebec) , le papier (paper) , le drapeau canadien (Canadian flag), le drapeau français (French flag), la gomme (eraser), la Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower), la dictionnaire (dictionary), le drapeau suisse (Swiss flag), la chaise (chair) 

Students have also learned: la télévision (television), la pendule (clock), le tableau (board), la table (table), l'ordinateur (computer), la lampe (lamp), and le professeur (teacher), la porte (door), la fenêtre (window)