Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Do 9th Agers Know?

9th Agers know a lot of French! Here are the topics that we have worked on this year:

Clothing vocabulary
Describing people and things
Describing ourselves: what we look like, where we live, our likes and dislikes, our age, ...
School subjects
Poem: C'est l'Automne
French artist Georges Seurat
Places in a town
New songs: C'est l'Halloween, A la Claire Fontaine
Food and drinks
French cuisine
Similarities and differences between French and American customs: eating, manners, meals,...
Restaurant vocabulary: how to read a menu, order, ask for the check, use euros, ...
Fun classroom projects: Ma Ville Imaginare, Mon Restaurant Francais

9th Agers also brought in a lot of French items from home to show their classmates: French perfume, soap, intructions to games and machines, clothing labels, candy, coffee, shopping bags, cheese, food boxes, chef hats and aprons, postcards, music, words in books... incroyable how much French is all around us if you know where to look!

It has been a lot of fun! Next year in 10th Age will be fantastique!