Friday, May 11, 2012

Paper Doll Fun

8th Age girls enjoyed making French paper dolls today. Each doll was given a French name and a French outfit, complete with French vocabulary for all of the clothing and accessories.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

It Takes a Village

10th Agers have been having fun in French learning all about words for rooms in the house. They are also learning lots of vocabulary for things found in each room. Interestingly, many of the words are exactly like or very similar to their English counterparts. For example: le chandelier, la table, le garage, la terrasse, la télévision, le sofa, l'armoire, la plante,  and la toilette.
Below are some of the many houses designed and labelled in French by10th Age students. Stop by the foreign language hallway to see the whole French village.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


7th Agers have recently been learning about puppets called marionettes. A marionette is controlled from above using wires or strings attached to wooden sticks. The most popular marionette in France, known as Guignol, was created in 1808.
Students have been listening to a popular French children's song about marionettes and have met two  that belong to Madame: a small lady marionette from Switzerland named Marie Onette and a large pink flamingo marionette named Flaubert.
Students are welcome to bring a marionette to French class. Here is a 7th Ager with one that she made:

Perhaps we can make marionettes in French Club next year!

More marionettes visit the classroom - how beautiful they are.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ma Famille

7th Agers are in the process of creating mini French books, titled "Ma Famille", about members of their families. Students have been learning the meaning and pronunciation for each family and pet word. They are also working on their French reading skills as they make their books.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's Happening in 10th Age?

10th Agers have been learning all about the house: rooms, furniture, and actitivies. They have created mini houses, labelled in French, and will soon create a folder paper all about a specific room in the house. Students are able to put together creative French sentences that describe what people are doing in various rooms in the house.